Episode 19: Sacrifices/Priorities
We’re back! Join us this week as we talk about sacrifices and priorities.
Episode 17: Forgive Forgive Forgive!
Join us this week as we talk about forgiveness and what it means to and for us.
Episode 16: Married Single Moms
This week we are talking about married single moms. Join us!
Episode 15: Growing Apart
Hey Coffee Lovers! Important update: We're growing apart. (it's not what you think)
Episode 14: Family Vacation!
Join us and our special guests as we talk about vacationing.
Episode 13: Parents Choice
This week we are talking about parenting and our decision to homeschool.
Episode 10: Parenting Pt. 3: How do y'all do it?
Join us as we close out our 3 part mini-series on parenting. We often get asked "How y'all do it?" and in this episode, we think have an answer.
Episode 9: Parenting Pt. 2: Discipline/Structure
Join us in episode 2 of our 3-part mini-series as we discuss discipline and why it's necessary in our family.
Episode 8: Parenting Pt.1: Becoming Parents
Hello coffee lovers, Happy Monday.
Join us in conversation and laughter as we kick off our 3-part mini-series on "Parenting." We will take a trip from the beginning to the present, starting with this first part on becoming parents. Get ready for some Coffee, not Tea.
Episode 7: No one said it would be easy
In this episode, we are discussing some of the struggles we have faced while intentionally choosing Christ.
Episode 6: Remembering Us
This episode is about finding that healthy balance between "business" and pleasure. Join us as we discuss our journey in remembering US.
Episode 5: Marriage and Boundaries
Join us as we go over our first requested topic. We will be talking about Marriage and Boundaries and what that means for us.
Episode 3: Learning to Love Pt. 2
We are discussing how we have learned and continue to learn to love everyone else in our lives.
Episode 2: Learning to Love Pt. 1
In Learning to Love Pt. 1 we talk about our love and how we have learned and continue to learn to love each other.